Saturday 30 November 2013

Samsung Galaxy S Duos 2 leaked in images, specifications; expected at Rs. 11,230

Samsung seems all set to release a new 
 smartphone, the Galaxy S Duos 2, the successor to the Galaxy S Duos in India. The rumoured Galaxy S Duos 2 has been leaked in full via leaked images, prices and specifications.
Hungarian Tech 2 site has published some images of what is being called the Samsung Galaxy S Duos 2, revealing the handset in its full glory. As per the leaked images, the dual-SIM Galaxy S Duos 2 will come with identical design as seen in the original Galaxy S Duos.
Further, the site has leaked some specifications of the Galaxy S Duos 2, which include a 4-inch display with a resolution of 480x800 pixels; a 1.2GHz dual-core processor (with no word on the chipset); 5-megapixel rear camera; expandable storage support (microSD card), and 1500mAh battery. The site claims that the Galaxy S Duos will run Android 4.2 Jelly Bean. The site has also leaked a promotional material of the Galaxy S Duos 2 which shows that the smartphone would feature Multi-Window feature, generally seen on premium smartphones and tablets.
In addition, a Twitter user named Manish Khatri, who is a retailer in Mumbai, has posted the price of Galaxy S Duos 2 on Twitter. Khatri writes, "#Samsung New launch: Galaxy S Duos 2: MRP Rs. 11,230 Best buy price Rs. 10990/-(stocks in few days)." The tweet clearly suggests that the smartphone would be launched in India soon, however does not mention the exact price of the smartphone. The tweet was first spotted by Android OS blog
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galaxy s4 vs iphone 5s

Friday 29 November 2013

galaxy s4 vs iphone 5s

In today's day and age, being connected is almost as necessary as eating and sleeping. With such an increased reliance on platforms like the cloud, companies and individuals alike often need quick and easy access to files, photos, and messages. But let's not forget about the added convenience of being able to check sports scores, research on Wikipedia, and network on social media sites.

For someone like me--a 24-year old young professional who's never owned a smartphone, been able to afford one, and headed their own plan--choosing the right handset can seem daunting. So in order to help make things easy for you, I've decided to record my experience in how to opt for the right device. This entry begins with two of the premiere gadgets on the market: the Apple iPhone 5 and the Samsung Galaxy S4.


As cringeworthy as it can be to hear, sometimes size does matter. For a smartphone, maybe it's because you're eyes are starting to go or your fingers are on the chubbier side. The point is, some people prefer a device they can feel bulging in their pocket while others prefer one that they don't even know is there until they reach in and pull it out.

The Galaxy S4 is 10% taller and 19% wider than the iPhone 5, but the iPhone 5 is 14% lighter than the GS4. However, because the GS4 is a larger device, speaking in terms of relative size, Samsung's device is 11% lighter. Keep in mind too that size often boils down to other aspects of the phone such as battery size and display for example, but we'll get to those in a minute.

Exterior and Display

When it comes to actual aesthetics, Apple is no slouch. In fact, Steve Jobs built his multinational conglomerate on the idea that in the end, design reigns supreme. The iPhone 5 is encased in an anodized aluminum exterior, conceived in such a way that the metallic facade doesn't interfere with cell reception and internet connection. Conversely, the Gs4 is equipped with a plastic exterior but don't write it off yet. Plastic allows for such conveniences as a removable battery and microSD support, something that the iPhone 5 noticeably lacks.

As for display, both devices offer crystal clarity but there are some differences. Both devices offer a 16:9 aspect ratio, but the GS4 boasts a 5-inch display with 1920 x 1080 pixel density equal to 441 pixels per inch. The iPhone 5's slightly smaller signature 4-inch owns a 1136 x 640, 326 ppi. The GS4 display is Super AMOLED while the iPhone 5's is IPS. In other words, the GS4 screen offers more vibrant colors and images while the iPhone 5 offers those that are more realistic.

Under the Hood

For some, power is everything. But in order to perform even the most basic functions, gadgets needs to run on a solid, robust CPU. Apple's flagship smartphone runs on a respectable dual-core 1.3GHz processor with a rather status quo 1 GB of memory. Samsung has Apple's number with this one. It's GS4 is powered by a burly quad-core 1.9GHz Qualcomm processor with a generous 2GB of RAM.

Though the GS4 has a beefy CPU, Apple has been able to aptly compete because of its seamlessly smooth iOS mobile operating system. The GS4 has gained some ground, though, with the introduction of its Android 4.2 Jelly Bean but the user interface stemming from the iOS 6, soon to be iOS 7 this fall, affords the user simplistic interface familiar on essentially all Apple products. This aspect, along with software to be discussed below, gives the user more control over operations on the iPhone and other applicable devices, whether it be an iPad, iPod, iMad, or MacBook.


It all starts with the keyboard. The iPhone's is a traditional tap-only, giving it a somewhat antiquated feel while the GS4 is able to include Swype and SwiftKey through Android which, admittedly, takes some getting used to but once mastered, it makes texting and internet surfing much faster and efficient.

The GS4 is also armed with a slew of features for seemingly every operation imaginable. Air Gesture allows the user to control a number of features through mid-air hand cues, SmartPause will suspend a video once eye contact with the display is broken and begin again once ogling recommences, Air View offers a preview of some items by simply hovering a finger above the display, and of course NFC allows for sharing files and other functions like mobile payments.

The iPhone of course has its voice-activated and recognized Siri which Apple just announced would be receiving a substantial upgrade on iOS 7, iCloud which lets Apple users access the new Air Drop function allowing document sharing between iOS devices and Macs through peer-to-peer encrypted Wi-Fi. iMessage is a popular hit among the text message-heavy crowd as is FaceTime, but Apple really struck out with Apple Maps which turned out to be a real embarrassing for the Cupertino-based company. But, as mentioned before, pretty much all apps, items, and functions are the same across all Apple products giving a vertically integrated experience throughout.

Apple's iPhone 5 of course is going the simplistic route while the Samsung GS4 attempted to cover all possible bases, no matter how unnecessary they are, though it could backfire because it makes the smartphone feel almost gimmicky.

Imaging, Battery Life, and Storage

Both cameras are clear but it seems there are better options out there on the market, namely the HTC One and Nokia Lumia 928 and 925. That's not to say either the iPhone 5 or GS4 are worthy, though. The GS4 sports a 13 megapixel rear-facing shooter compared to the iPhone 4's 8 megapixel rear-facer. When iOs 7 debuts, the new Photos app organize pictures according to moments and place while a bevy of new photo filters allows for patterning albums and personalizing amateur photographs.

As written above, the GS4 casing is made of plastic which allows for an easy changing of batteries. The GS4 battery is significantly larger but the trade off is the larger screen, more pixels, and collection of apps eats up most of that battery life. Still, it lasts longer than the iPhone 5 but not by much.

Both devices have versions of 16, 32, and 64 gigs in terms of internal storage but, in the case of the standard 16GB, those numbers can be misleading. The numerous Samsung-based apps eat up storage the way they do battery life and Apple is all about getting the most out of the least. In the end, users come home with 9GB of available storage on the GS4 while the iPhone 5 gives 13

Bottom Line

As with most things in life, choosing the right smartphone boils down to a matter of opinion. Both handsets are formidable but users can employ each to their respective advantage. For optimum multitasking capabilities, an able-bodied CPU, and large screen, the GS4 is definitely your best bet

For those who want to run basic functions as easily as possible, be able to translate files and operations without skipping a beat, and have the guarantee of one of the most trusted brands in the world, the iPhone 5 is your best bet.

Personally, between the two I'd opt for the iPhone 5 though I'd might as well wait until the fall when the next-generation iPhone 5S and iOS 7 are both released. I have an iPod and MacBook Pro so the added convenience of being able to cross-sync devices to certain standards offers the most appeal to this amateur techie.

But don't just take my word for it. Let's turn the floor over to you. Which of these devices do you use and why? What would it take to get you to switch from one to the other? Let us know your thoughts and opinons in the comments section below
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Acer No dice that would be a dangerous competitor if Android had passed

Friday 29 November 2013

Acer No dice that would be a dangerous competitor if Android had passed

El vicepresidente de Acer en la región de EMEA, Allen Burnes, ha comentado un poco sobre su visión de Windows Phone, y ha aprovechado para dar un comentario interesante en el camino relacionado a Nokia
Como muchos sabemos, hay personas que piensan que si Nokia se pasara a Android, esta empresa podría hacer cosas muy interesantes. Sin embargo, no solo lo dicen los usuarios, sino que las empresas como Acer también piensan lo mismo, comentando que Nokia sería un competidor peligroso

Yo personalmente, aunque me gusta lo que Nokia está haciendo en Windows Phone, siempre me pregunté cómo podría abordar Android la empresa Finlandesa. ¿De qué manera modificaría el OS? ¿Ofrecería exclusividades? ¿Aprovecharía las libertades que ofrece Android? Son algunas de las preguntas que se me vienen a la mente
El vicepresidente también comentó algunas cosas sobre Windows Phone. Primero descarta la posibilidad de un smartphone de la empresa para este año con este sistema operativo. Acer opina que Windows Phone es bueno, pero que ellos no quieren trabajar para que el sistema operativo sea reconocido, que eso le corresponde a Microsoft
La empresa dice que está esperando que Microsoft haga algunas campañas de publicidad enfocadas al sistema operativo, con el fin de darlo conocer. Si esto va bien, pueden que analicen lanzar un Smartphone con Windows Phone

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HTC Desire 600 Dual SIM Review

Friday 29 November 2013

HTC Desire 600 Dual SIM Review

The HTC Desire 600 is the Taiwanese company’s play in the dual SIM handset segment of the market. The Android 4.1 based handset combines the design philosophy behind devices like the HTC Butterfly, One and combines it with mid range specifications to create a value proposition. Does it succeed in making a case for itself ? Read on our review to find outVideo Review 
The design of the HTC Desire 600 is simultaneously fresh and yet similar. It takes the most recognizable parts of the HTC One and Butterfly to create a unique identity that both looks and feels great. The construction is soft touch plastic with a brushed aluminum style edge.The handset combines a black bezel with a red speaker lining to give it distinctive look. 
The front of the phone has a 4.5 inch Super LCD2 type screen. The resolution is 960×540 and this results in a pixel density of 244.71 PPI. While a 720p screen would have been appreciated, the Super LCD2 panel makes up for it with excellent color rendering. The text appears to float on the screen but can look blurred around the edges. As seen above, sunlight visibility is satisfactory and so are viewing angles
Because the handset is equipped with BoomSound speakers, you get stereo speakers with one unit at either end of the handset. The speaker mesh is visible and the end result is loud, clear audio with rather good stereo separation. A 1.6MP front facing camera is also visible here. At the top edge is the 3.5mm audio jack and power key. While easily reachable, we would have preferred to see the power/lock key on the side of the handset. A groove to remove the backplate is also visible here. A power rocker is on the right side of the handset. Made of a single piece of plastic that sits flush with the handset, tactile feedback felt lacking. We’d have liked to see a more pronounced rocker along with a dedicated camera shutter key. The micro USB charging slot is along the bottom edge
The back of the phone is made of soft touch plastic that feels very high quality. A high gloss layer has been applied to the rear cover that unfortunately makes it prone to picking up scratches. These aren’t easily visible but do get picked up the handset rather easily and we’d recommend investing in a case. With dimensions of 134.8 x 67 x 9.3 mm, the handset is diminutive in size and easily slips into your hand. Weighing just 130 grams, the Desire 600 is a petite smartphone that is quite refreshing to hold
We’ve already mentioned the Desire 600′s display earlier in the review. The screen size of 4.5 inches with a pixel density of 244.7PPI is perfectly usable. For a smartphone in its segment, we did expect a 720p panel here but weren’t disappointed either
The Super LCD 2 panel has more than adequate brightness levels. The panel has vibrant colors that might appear slightly over saturated but not to the extent of an AMOLED display. The contrast levels are more than adequate and sunlight visibility was quite good. The text isn’t super crisp but is far from a deal breaker
Running on Android 4.1.2, the Desire 600 has Sense 5.0 just like on the HTC One. The device retains most of the software features and gimmicks as seen on its elder brother
Tapping the power button reveals the lock screen that displays the time with the date, current weather indicated below it. It is possible to customize this and have more information displayed on top. Music player shortcuts appear here while playing content. Unlocking the device drops you straight into HTC’s love or hate content aggregating BlinkFeed. BlinkFeed aggregates content from your social networks, favorite news sources and drops into a picture heavy grid that you can scroll through at leisure. For light consumers, it could replace the need for an app like Feedly. Unfortunately it is not possible to complete disable BlinkFeed but you can set a different homescreen panel as your primary and auto unlock to that screen thereby bypassing having to look at BlinkFeed
A persistent shortcut bar can be seen below the homescreen and app launcher. The buttons directly launch the dialer, messenger, browser and camera apps by default but can be replaced to suit your requirements. The app launcher itself is a grid of 3 x 4 application icons with a weather widget right at the top of the list. It is possible to hide applications from here and also to increase grid size to 4 x 5. We’ve previously talked in depth about HTC’s Sense 5 UI in our HTC One review and you should check that out for more on the interface here. The interface makes allowances for the Dual SIM capabilies and lets you select the number to be used while making a phone call and while sending a message.
The Desire 600 is powered by a 1.2 GHz quad-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 200 MSM8625Q processor. There’s 1GB of RAM onboard with roughly 350MB of that available at launch. Built in storage is 8GB with about 4.3GB of storage available out of the box. It is possible to extend built in storage via the microSD card slot but there is no provision to set your memory card as the default location to install apps. Day to day performance is good but not excellent. There are frame rate drops when scrolling through the BlinkFeed interface and checker boarding in the browser is not uncommon. Performance isn’t bad per se but definitely could do with some of the boosts brought along by newer versions of Android at a minimum. If you care about synthetic benchmarks, then we’ve got you covered in depth here
We’ve also embedded some popular benchmarks right here itself.
The Desire 600 Dual Sim tops the Quadrant benchmark amongst its contemporaries with a score of over 5000 points
However in the AnTuTu Benchmark 3.3 it manages to score few points less than 11,000 points placing it in line with handsets like the Karbonn Titanium S5

The HTC Desire 600 has an 8MP rear camera with LED Flash and a BSI Sensor. The front camera has a 1.6MP BSI sensor. The camera module is surrounded by a protective material and the module itself is set slightly lower than the rest of the back of the handset and hence doesn’t sit directly on a surface when the phone is set down
We tested out the camera of the phone extensively for our review and generally found images to be pleasing. Noise levels ended up being higher than usual even in bright surroundings but colors were natural and very accurate for the most part
As can be seen here, in brightly lit situations, the camera does an admirable job of capturing the image. The phone captures a fairly high level of details though 1:1 crops show a lot of compression artifacts so you’d be best served giving that a wide berth
We were fairly impressed by the close up shots taken with the handset. While focussing is generally slow on the handset, it particularly drops down to a crawl when shooting close ups. The camera often gets stuck hunting for a focus lock and can result in a missed shot. Close ups shot with the phone end up looking crisp with balanced colors, contrast and a high level of details in the image
Low light & indoor shots like the one above display the limitations of the small sensor. Noise levels are high and very visible in the wood paneled columns. The dynamic range is also limited as the highlights visible in the chandelier appear to be burnt out
Above are some more samples of close up shots as well as night time photos taken with the HTC Desire 600. Close up shots with the handset are quite admirable though noise shoots up dramatically in not so great light. Images shot in complete darkness are predictably soft and not very usable
Video recording tops off at a resolution of 720p. Video is quality is generally decent. The camera does take a slightly heavy handed approach towards post processing and you’ll find over sharpened edges in video clips. That said, it does capture a fair amount of details and colors are natural
Also check out the camera review of the HTC Desire 600 to know more about the phone’s camera in detail
Moving on to the multimedia capabilities of the HTC Desire 600. We put it through our standard multimedia test that allows us to determine the codec support on the handset. In terms of audio playback, the phone support the usual mp3, AAC and even FLAC audio. Beats Audio is built in to allow for richer and better audio quality. The difference in our opinion was marginal at best. The BoomSound speakers are yet another feature that has been extremely popular on the HTC One and has made its way here as well. The speakers are loud for sure but aren’t very clear. The highs were quite shrill and the speaker definitely struggles with bass. That said, the speakers on the Desire 600 are still better than most other devices in its category
Video playback wasn’t all that great as it was only able to playback low profile 720p content at max in our tests. However the beauty of Android is the choice of using replacement apps for any situation. So you should be able to play additional formats and even higher quality material but by default the phone is stuck at playback of 720p videos at max
We’ve also embedded gaming videos from the handset above. Performance is decent but once again you can notice skipped frames
Connectivity & Battery Life
The HTC Desire 600 is a dual SIM handset and both SIM cards are active. Only one of the SIM cards supports WCDMA while the other is GSM only. Under the backplate is also a microSD card slot which you’ll need to expand the built in 8GB of storage. The handset supports 3G (HSDPA up to 7.2 Mbps), WiFi 802.11 b/g/n, Bluetooth 4.0 with aptX and GPS with A-GPS
The battery unit is rated at 1,860 mAh which proves to be sufficient for about a work day of usage. With light to moderate usage we could easily get a day of usage out of the handset but pushing it hard meant a dead battery before the day was out. As always, battery life will depend a lot on your usage scenario but under moderate usage you should be able to get a solid work day out of the phone
The HTC Desire 600 priced at close to Rs. 26,000 might not be the most powerful handset in that price range but it is one of the few high quality Dual SIM handsets that combine said abilities with a very good looking and more importantly ergonomic shell
The latest version of Sense UI that adds a lot of value to the base software, BoomSound speakers are additional reasons to go for the handset. The camera doesn’t disappoint either. If you’re looking for an all around well performing Dual SIM handset, then the Desire 600 should be in your list of devices to consider. That said, HTC would be well served by pricing the smartphone a bit lower
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Friday 29 November 2013


General Network 2G GSM 850/900/1800/1900
Network 3G HSDPA 850/900/1900/2100
4G network support fourth-generation networks regard to style and according to international markets
1 - N9000 model supports 3G
2 - Double SIM Card model N9002 dual SIM
3 - supports the fourth - generation model N9005 4G LTE
LTE 800/850/900/1800/2100/2600
Type slide Micro SIM Micro-SIM
Date of disclosure September , 2013
Availability Date September , 2013
Body Dimensions 151.2 x 79.2 x 8.3 mm
Weight 168 grams
Rear design features as the skin , and with a stylus features a new S Pen stylus
Technology Super AMOLED screen Super AMOLED capacitive , 16 million color density 386 pixels per inch
Measuring 5.7 inches , accuracy and clarity of 1080 x 1920 Full HD Full HD
Multi-Touch Yes , supports multi-touch
Protection layer of protection for the screen, Gorilla Glass 3
Phone features Galaxy Note 3 carries and Samsung TouchWiz UI interfaces
Audio alarm patterns MP3, WAV
Yes headsets , stereo
Headphones So yes , measuring 3.5 millimeters
Memory microSD memory card supports up to 64 GB
Internal storage 32 or 64 GB
3 GB of RAM
Data GPRS Yes
Speed ​​Yes , HSDPA, 42 Mbps; HSUPA; LTE, Cat4, 50 Mbps UL, 150 Mbps DL
Yes wireless , Wi-Fi 802.11 a / b / g / n / ac, dual-band, DLNA, Wi-Fi Direct, Wi-Fi hotspot

Infrared ray
USB Yes , microUSB v2.0, OTG, MHL 2
Rear camera 13 megapixel , 4128 x 3096 pixels , LED flash , auto focus , optical stability
Tthdid features of images , touch focus , detect faces and smile , HDR , panorama photography , shooting 4K support
Video 2160p @ 30fps, HDR, stereo sound recording , filming 1080p @ 60fps in the LTE version
2 - megapixel front camera supports 1080p @ 30fps video
System features Android 4.3 Jelly between
Slice processor version fourth generation 4G LTE processor Qualcomm Snapdragon 800
3G version Samsung Exynos 5420 processor

3G eight Brdd core 1.9 GHz Exynos 5420
Quad-core 1.9 GHz Cortex-A15 & Quad-core 1.3 GHz Cortex-A7
Adreno 330 graphics LTE version
Compass sensors , gyroscope , Brooksimiti , acceleration , barometer , temperature , humidity , predicted without touching the screen
Messages SMS (threaded view), MMS, Email, Push Email
HTML5 browser
No FM stereo radio with RDS
Positioning A-GPS and GLONASS
Java Yes , by Java MIDP emulator Player
Colors of white , black, pink
- S Voice voice commands S-Voice
- Reducing Aldjajij
- Remove jammed by a microphone .
- Connecting to TV link by MHL A / V
- Supports DivX/XviD/MP4/H.263/H.264/WMV playback
- Supports playback MP3/eAAC + / WMA / WAV / FLAC
- Applications Google Search, Maps, Gmail,
YouTube, Calendar, Google Talk
- Organizer
- Editor and File Viewer
- Picture viewer and editor
- Voice commands
- Writing expectation
- سحابي storage space 50 GB of free Dropbox

Battery capacity Galaxy Note 3 capacity Li-Ion 3200 mAh removable
Price almost no information so far , we will provide you with them if they are received .
Will be available at the end of the current month of September
Samsung Galaxy Note 3
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BlackBerry Z10 Versus iPhone 5 in White and Black

Friday 29 November 2013

BlackBerry Z10 Versus iPhone 5 in White and Black

BlackBerry Z10 Versus iPhone 5 in White and Black

We’ve seen plenty of the BlackBerry Z10. A few gorgeous renders were made showing off its stylish design. More renders of the BlackBerryZ10 have been produced in both white and black with it stacked up against the iPhone 5.
The BlackBerry Z10 will sport a 4.3-inch screen with a resolution of 1280×768 and a DPI of 355. Whereas, the iPhone 5 has a 4-inch screen with a resolution of 1136×640 and a DPI of 325. TheBlackBerry Z10 sure looks like it’s out styling theiPhone 5. What say you
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LG Optimus L9 II

Friday 29 November 2013

LG Optimus L9 II smartphone exposed again


LG Optimus L9 II smartphone exposed again

It looks like the rumored LG Optimus L9 II smartphone is pretty real. Several months ago, a spy photo of it was leaked on the internet, along with a handful of hardware specs, and now we've come across a clearer image exposing the front and back sides of the device. And while today's leak doesn't add much to what we already know about the handset, it boosts the chances of it being made official in the very near future.

Once it is unveiled, the LG Optimus L9 II (or LG L9 II, perhaps?) will become the top smartphone in LG's second-gen L-series. It will sport a 4.7-inch IPS LCD display with a resolution of 720 by 1280 pixels, which sounds pretty good for what's surely going to be a mid-range handset. A dual-core Qualcomm SoC is also in play, most likely a Snapdragon 400, paired with 1GB of RAM. Further specs include an 8MP main camera, 1.3MP front-facing one, 8GB of storage, microSD card slot, 2150mAh battery, and Android 4.1.2 out of the box. Overall, a pretty solid package given the smartphone's class.

While we aren't sure when the LG Optimus L9 II will be announced, chances are the company might make it official in time for the IFA 2013 expo in Berlin
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Micromax A250 Canvas Turbo launched for Rs 19,990

Friday 29 November 2013

Micromax A250 Canvas Turbo launched for Rs 19,990

After hiring Hugh Jackman and running a teaser campaign, Micromax today officially launched the Canvas Turbo in India. As expected, it is the first Micromax smartphone with a 1080p full HD display and will take on the likes of the Gionee Elife E6. Micromax has priced the smartphone at Rs 19,990
On the specifications front we are looking at a 5-inch 1080p IPS display from Sharp. It is refreshing to see Micromax naming the display maker, which has become a part of the strategy of top Chinese brands like Xiaomi, Gionee and Oppo. It is powered by a MediaTek MT6589T quad-core processor along with 2GB of RAM. It also has 16GB of internal storage but surprisingly no microSD card slot. Micromax says about 1GB of this storage will be available for installing apps while about 12.5GB will be available for other data storage
It has a 2,000mAh battery that Micromax claims is good enough for up to seven hours of talk time. Purely on paper, the battery seems a bit underwhelming but we will wait till we get our hands on the product. There is a 13-megapixel camera on the rear and a 5-megapixel camera on the front, which has become the norm among most local players. And like all Micromax phones even this one has dual-SIM card slots but interestingly, one of them is a micro-SIM while the other one is a regular SIM card slot
The Micromax A250 Canvas Turbo will be available to buy on October 26 in India for a market operating price of Rs 19,990
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Lenovo P780 Photo Gallery

Friday 29 November 2013

Lenovo P780 Photo Gallery

Lenovo P780 was launched recently and you can check out our unboxing post here. Lenovo P780 belongs to the class of MediaTek MT6589 powered 5inch phablets with HD displays. What sets it apart from the other phones with similar features is its solid metal build quality and its huge 4000mAh battery(its steep price too).
As I have mentioned before, the phone stands out because of its solid build quality but is on the heavier side. On the front, we have the stylish earpiece above the display and three capacitive touch keys below the display. The front and back material are fused together by a silver colored metal ring that houses the 3.5mm audio jack and the power lock button on the top and the volume rocker on the right side.
On the back of the phone, you get a solid metal material at the center that can be removed. Removing the metal cover, you can see the non user removable 4000mAh battery above which we have a couple of slots of SIM cards and a microSD card slot.
The phone looks gorgeous, but feels heavy and you will know more in our complete review which we will be putting up soon. Meanwhile, you can check out the entire photo gallery right below.

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Lenovo S920

Friday 29 November 2013

                 Lenovo S920               

Lenovo S920 has Jelly Bean OS - The information of the launch of latest Lenovo S920 from Lenovo Mobiles was once recently heard. This Lenovo S920 from Lenovo Mobiles runs on an Android v4.2 Jelly Bean and is loaded with quality options. Lenovo, the chinese laptop and electronic manufacturing giant is now into producing Smartphones and it has lately introduced its S920 Android powered cell handset for China market and it is expected to be extended to world market very soon. good news is that, Lenovo S920 price is anticipated to be round Rs 12,000/- to Rs 18,000/- in Indian market

Lenovo S920 Lenovo S920 has Jelly Bean OS review

The hardware configuration of Lenonvo S920 is ok and all of the neccessary small print had been taken into consideration. Lenovo S920 features a 1.2 GHz Mediatek MT6589 Quad-Core processors coupled with 1GB of RAM. The display is a 5.3- lcd with HD 1280×720 pixel decision. It deals an 8GB of internal reminiscence which may also be extended additional with a microSD card. The Lenovo S920 from Lenovo Mobiles will embrace an 8MP major camera for photography and video recording and a 2MP entrance dealing with secondary digital camera for video calling. Lenovo S920 helps GSM network and has a Bar kind factor and is slim and has a light-weight. The TFT show supports 16M shade
lenovo deatab s920 top bottom Lenovo S920 has Jelly Bean OS review
The Lenovo S920 flaunts an 8MP main digital camera with LED flash, Geo-Tagging, Face detection and contact to center of attention options. the main digital camera in Lenovo S920 supports digital zoom and various video encodings for video recording. The secondary camera offers a 1600×1200 pixel for video calling. Lenovo S920 runs an Android v4.2 Jelly Bean as OS and properties a HTML supported Android web browser with Java MIDP emulator. aside from these same old options , it comes with a suite of utilities for day to day use. It has extensive improve for picture/Video editors, file viewer, Google maps, Search, Gmailand different pre-installed apps for Social Media
The connectivity is accomplished through a twin Band Wi-Fi 802.eleven and GPRS ,aspect. The file switch facility is completed via Bluetooth with A2DP ,EDR. The know-how used in Lenovo S920 for 3G is HSDPA with a data transfer rate upto forty two.2 Mbps and HSUPA with 5.eleven Mbps and it is a twin Sim dual Standby smartphone. the power for Lenovo S920 is equipped via a 2250 mAH Li-Ion battery which would offer ample standby time and talktime, on the other hand it not precisely recognized. The battery is huge sufficient to power all the wealthy options which Lenovo S920 deals
Spesifikasi Lenovo S920 Terbaru Lenovo S920 has Jelly Bean OS review
The Lenovo S920 photos seem stunning and the variation seems to be a watch candy. The design is great. Lenovo S920 will be available in more than a few colours alternatively the Lenovo S920 photos are only showing White, Black and purple. Its look resemble that of HTC phones and it is going to be attention-grabbing to look how a lot it is completely different from them in performance. the advantage of Lenovo S920 is its display and processor quality and that it has a just right battery energy to energy up all the functionalities effectively. the cost vary is aggressive and this product is going to present a troublesome competitors to all of the other centered avid gamers available in the market and can get sole competition from Micromax Canvas collection.

camera lenuvo s920 Lenovo S920 has Jelly Bean OS review
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